Tyra is a black tri color Smooth Collie that will be 6 years old in November. She is an AKC CH (champion) and an UKC Reserve Best in Show winner and CH (champion). She is the first Collie in history with a Lure Coursing Excellent title. She has titles in rally obedience, lure coursing and barn hunt. She also has her Versatility Excellent for the American Working Collie Association. She also knows a bunch of tricks and is one of Julie's best friends. She can be seen on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/Parfait-Performance-Collies
Whimsy is a red tri color Australian Shepherd that will be 2 years old in October. She is an UKC CH (champion) and an UKC Reserve Best in Show winner. She is AKC pointed in conformation. She has titles in Nosework (scent work), rally obedience and lure coursing. She needs one more "leg" for a barn hunt title, an obedience title and an agility title. She also loves water, playing frisbee and knows a bunch of tricks. We have a planned litter for her next year once all her testing is complete. We breed to the AKC and ASCA (Australian Shepherd Club of America) standards for Aussies. She is also one of Julie's best friends and can be seen on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/ParfaitAustralianShepherds